The stratospheric modelling team of BIRA-IASB is (team member can be contacted at
- Catherine Wespes, fedTWIN with ULB
- Christine Bingen, Scientist
- Daniele Minganti, Scientist
- Marc Op de beeck, Scientist
- Quentin Errera, co-leader
- Sarah Vervalcke, PhD student
- Simon Chabrillat, co-leader
Past members:
- Dominiq Fonteyn (founder)
- Frank Daerden (scientist)
- Jonas Debosscher (scientist)
- Pascale Cambier (secretary)
- Sergey Skachko (scientist)
- Stijn Bonjean (IT)
- Yves Christophe (IT)
- Edith Botek (scientist)
- Karolien Lefever (scientist)